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Heavy Weather (Part 1)
Video with sound, 5:25 duration, 2021
Heavy Weather is a ten-part album recorded at Espacio Gallery in London, UK (courtesy of Degrees of Freedom) in September 2020. With plans of a live audience scuppered by tightened COVID-19 restrictions, a one-take guitar and violin performance is instead recorded alongside an audio track that includes elements of violin, guitar, field recordings, and poetry. The performers improvise within disorienting echoes of their own playing; jumbled fragments of poetry slowly slot into place, and sounds of waves lap gently against an unknowable ship. From the resonance of the empty gallery to the joy of togetherness despite separation, Heavy Weather is an expression of intimacy and connection within a post-digital, socially-distanced reality.
Sound and video by THIRTYMINUTES apart from:
Live audio mixing, effects and recording by Freddie Meyers
Poetry by Luke Hathaway (“Penelope in Heavy Weather”, Groundwork, 2011, courtesy of Biblioasis), read and recorded by THIRTYMINUTES
Video recording by Emily Earl and Alexis Deighton MacIntyre
Heavy Weather is a ten-part album recorded at Espacio Gallery in London, UK (courtesy of Degrees of Freedom) in September 2020. With plans of a live audience scuppered by tightened COVID-19 restrictions, a one-take guitar and violin performance is instead recorded alongside an audio track that includes elements of violin, guitar, field recordings, and poetry. The performers improvise within disorienting echoes of their own playing; jumbled fragments of poetry slowly slot into place, and sounds of waves lap gently against an unknowable ship. From the resonance of the empty gallery to the joy of togetherness despite separation, Heavy Weather is an expression of intimacy and connection within a post-digital, socially-distanced reality.
Sound and video by THIRTYMINUTES apart from:
Live audio mixing, effects and recording by Freddie Meyers
Poetry by Luke Hathaway (“Penelope in Heavy Weather”, Groundwork, 2011, courtesy of Biblioasis), read and recorded by THIRTYMINUTES
Video recording by Emily Earl and Alexis Deighton MacIntyre
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